Solomon's Bride (Book 1): Down From His Glory
By Mark Aho
Deep within the ancient Song of Solomon lie traces of an astonishing story, a love affair between a dazzlingly wise but unsatisfied king, and a struggling, hardly noticed peasant girl who has laid down her life to protect a dangerous secret.
Now, as never before, this dramatic and unlikely friendship is brought to life in a lush dramatization. Is this humble maiden really destined to become the high queen of the most glorious kingdom the world has ever know?
Like an ancient parable, Solomon's Bride is deeper than it appears. It swoops and soars through the grandest of spiritual themes, scattering lessons like seeds between its lines, which spring forth in surprising bursts of revelation.
As the sparkling drama unfolds, a larger story is coaxed from the shadows: a picture of Christ and the Church. In the end, the great Bridegroom Himself steps forth with His Bride, out of the mist of history and allegory, stunningly revealed through the magic of old-style story telling.
Paperback. 182 pages.